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The ZoeZo


Why the name:

Direct translation means “The Haitian Bone” or “The Dick” and, for me personally, it’s a slap in the face to the stereotypical “island man” mentality. 🙄

Macho, aggressive, controlling, abusive, void of emotions, all while lacking empathy made growing up a complete HELL for me. This persona shows that I’m a man that likes to explore every part of myself, and so long as folks aren’t being hurt, then I’ll keep doing that.


With all of that to taken into account, ZoeZo (the 'e' is silent) will want to push the boundaries of what these things are. Some will love it. Many more will hate it. Either way, I hope you gain something from it. 


Be sure to continually check back in with blog updates, podcast release date, and many other opportunities. Especially the FREE99 stuff!

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